Sunday, October 5, 2008

Simon's Town

So I have successfully completed my first week of class... Can I get an "Amen".... anyway it was long but soooo good. After reading  the book of Philemon over and over and over again I feel that I have the book almost to memory. Every little point Paul made would turn over in my head till the passage was going to explode. I really had know idea that there was so much in one letter. Looking back in history and finding that Paul was one of the first every recorded to attempt to abolish slavery. I love being able to really look back in history and have the time to cross referencing that reference. Yes this sounds a little crazy but I am extremely excited by all this new information and can't wait for more. I know that once I come to a book like Isaiah I might be crying. This next week we go through Titus and the "fun" never stops. 

This weekend we went as a class to Simon's Town... This was labeled as compulsory fun. It was really nice to go see a little more of South Africa. Simon's Town in known for their penguins. I really had the desire to bring one back with me to the base and call it Petie... He could live in our base pool and be known as the "Petie the pet pool penguin". Anyway the one I want is closest to me in the picture up top. 

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