Saturday, December 6, 2008


Thanks Giving here and gone...
This last week has been one to remember...
Don't worry Grandma I am Journaling all of it!

There are twelve American that got together last Saturday to celebrate our wonderful holiday of eating lots and lots of food "and they say that Americans don't have a culture"(hahaha). I made Aunti Kay's famous cream corn and of course some Apple pie. Everyone brought a dish and we sat down to a wonderful meal. One of the girls had a copy of an old college football game, the weather was cold and rainy, and at one point we saw a rainbow "we are in summer over here so to have a rainy day is a big thing", it all felt so much like Thanks Giving and so the day was made complete. I do wish I could have been home to enjoy some yummyness and family time but God provided quite nicely if I don't say so. There were enough leftovers that each of us could take a plate... hip hip for leftovers!

This week God has shown/taught me to hold strong to him and gave me "1 Cor 10: 13 - God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it., and 2 Cor 12: 9 "but he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness." So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weakness, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me." 

This week I was able to go, with one other, to a house where about eight Muslim women work making necklaces and other jewelry. They work for about two hours and then get a lunch break, where I was able to come in and give a little of my testimony. I felt I was to share about the 1 Cor and 2 Cor verses I had received earlier that day and the journey God has me on. I loved being able to share and connect with these women. To tell them that they have value and they are made in God's image. These women are told they are nothing almost every day by their husbands and so, just getting a moment to express love to them some how made my year. We made necklaces with them after the break and my heart truly went out to one of the women in particular. Her and her family are a produce of Zimaphobia... They are from Zimbabwe where they were running for there lives " the government in Zim is starving its people". So they are running to South Africa where the townships are already over flowing. The South African believe that the Zimbabweans are steeling there jobs "which there are so few to go around to begin with" so Zimaphobia takes place and Zimbabweans are being treated with such mal-contempt. The persecution is out of control and Zimbabweans are being killed. Needless to say the women I made friends will is being sent back to one of the townships where this is taking place. She is scared for herself and here family. If you feel led to, please lift up a quite prayer for all the Zimbabwean refugees.

I will send pictures for the next update and hopefully "one of my new friend", so that you guys can have a picture to go with the story. 

I have to run back to work but I send my love and thank you for your wonderful prayers. God hears them!

Thank mom for the amazing package! I loved every bit of it!

Whits and Tricia, I would love more updates on the office...

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