Saturday, October 11, 2008

Update and pic of Base

I am soooo Sorry to all my Family and Friends for not being able to send more pictures and updates on my BLOG. The South African Government owns all the communication lines over here and consequently can charge whatever they like for Internet and phone time. The prices are quite outrageous and to upload pictures cost even more. Well... this sad news does have a happy ending... I think... I believe that I have found away around some of the costs and in turn my hope is to send more regular updates. I will be updating again at the end of the week and hope to continue to do so throughout my stay in South Africa. 

The work is getting a little more manageable now that I sort of understand what I am doing... tehehe... 

Here is a picture of the Base (my home!) and my local grocery store (good old "Checkers"). The selection over here is so much better then in the States. I would have never thought, but I guess this is one of the largest import and export community in the world. Hip hip for me...

much love,

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